
Iberian acorn Pork Shoulder

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Iberian acorn pork shoulder from the anterior extremity of the pig, well known for its succulence and incomparable taste. Made from our Iberian pigs bred in freedom in the fields of the Salamanca Meadow. Iberian pigs bred with acorn during the fattening period.

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124,50 €

154,50 €

Atencion! El plazo de entrega para los productos loncheados se incrementara en 2 dias al plazo habitual de envio.

Atencion! El plazo de entrega para los productos loncheados se incrementara en 3 dias al plazo habitual de envio.

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'In order to buy Iberian acorn pork shoulder, trust Montechico! We remind you of the benefits of the Iberian acorn ham and pork shoulder. It contributes to reduce blood pressure, it is antioxidant, it lowers colesterol, it is heart-healthy, it is a great source of vitamine E, and much more. Go for it! Besides treating your palate you can also take care of your health   If you would like us to remove a part of the pork shoulder in order to facilitate the cutting, let us know and we will deliver it with the bone detached.   The Iberian acorn pork shoulder is of a long shape, thin bone, pink-looking meat and sweet taste, with wicks of fat mixed with the meat. The concentration of oleic acids makes this meat an exquisite bite, of intense taste and intense aroma. Notice that the ham as well as the Iberian pork shoulder are antioxidant products and cardiovascular protectors. When buying Iberian acorn pork shoulder, or Iberian acorn ham, we must take into account a number of factors: the colour of the hoof should be black and it must show a certain wear, resulting from their breeding in freedom. The ankle must be thin, a characteristic feature of the Iberian pig breed. Inside, we should notice streaks of fat between muscles. And then the taste. The texture of the fat must be watery, yet like pure oil, and the taste must be intense yet not excessively salty, and it should be different in any of its muscles. In Montechico we believe in the quality of our products. For that reason we make a special offer every month, so that you can savour our Iberian ham, pork shoulder, and cold meat at an exceptional price. One of our special offers is an Iberian acorn pork shoulder, from our Iberian pigs bred in freedom. The quality of this product is guaranteed by Montechico and by the seal of guarantee of Iberian products from Salamanca. An excellent price for a product of excellence. Subscribe now to our news bulletin and you will be informed of our monthly offers.'