
Iberian acorn ham

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Acorn ham is one of the best ham types of the best quality across the variety of products in 'Casas del Monte Montechico', with a curing period of at least three years, and of approximately 7 kg. Our Iberian acorn ham enjoy the seal of guarantee of 'Iberian products from Salamanca' business company, which confirms that it is authentic acorn ham.

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239,00 €

Atencion! El plazo de entrega para los productos loncheados se incrementara en 2 dias al plazo habitual de envio.

Atencion! El plazo de entrega para los productos loncheados se incrementara en 3 dias al plazo habitual de envio.

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Iberian products from Salamance offer a seal of guarantee that protects the client from fraud in the quality of the ham and Iberian pork shoulder. The factory is subject to inspection and it is audited during without-notice visits in order to confirm the purity of the Iberian pig breed, the adequate nurturing and breeding, the curing time and the drying period of the ham pieces. Besides, we enjoy the seal of guarantee of 'Tierra de Sabor', which confirms that Montechico products are Iberian products of the highest reliability.